Bend & Balance Alle (Ultimate Classes) / Nona Fragnière
Welcome to Bend and Balance, a class designed for everyone—from beginners to experienced practitioners and even professionals. Our focus is on improving your flexibility, strength, and balance, all while promoting overall well-being. Whether you want to enhance your splits, work on backbends, or master handstands, this class will guide you through each step with a clear and supportive approach.
What to Expect:
• Strength Building: We’ll work on building core stability and overall body strength, which are essential for advanced flexibility and balance poses. • Flexibility Training: Our focus on splits, backbends, and dynamic stretching will not only improve your range of motion but also help prevent injuries and boost your overall well-being. Stretching is key to improving performance, preventing injury, and aiding in recovery. • Handstands & Balance Poses: You’ll learn and refine handstands and other balance poses, with a focus on proper alignment and technique. Handstands are the ultimate inversion, combining strength, body awareness, confidence, and grace. They may seem out of reach, but with time and practice, they are absolutely achievable. • Dynamic Movement & Conditioning: Engage in exercises that prepare your body for functional movement, ensuring that your flexibility and strength are practical and beneficial in everyday life.
Bitte, wenn möglich, eine eigene Yogamatte mitbringen Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 12 Personen
Objectifs d'apprentissage
Class Structure:
• Weekly Focus: Each week, we’ll zero in on a specific area, like splits, backbends, or handstands. You can join for targeted practice or come regularly to see steady progress. • Complement Your Other Classes: This class is a perfect complement to the other classes you might be taking at Tanzwerk101. It’s especially beneficial if you also attend my Tuesday class, which focuses on ballroom performance in the voguing scene and involves some contortion work. Bend and Balance will help you develop the flexibility, strength, and overall well-being needed for both.
Along with handstands, we’ll also practice headstands, helping you master the basics of inversion training. We break handstands down into core skills we call the ‘pillars of handstand’ training: Specific Strength, Endurance, Alignment, Consistency, Shape, Mobility, Flexibility, and Balance. We keep things creative and playful, so if you’re a regular student, feel free to share any pose goals you have for future classes.
Who Can Join:
This class is open to everyone, from beginners to more experienced practitioners, and even professionals. We cater to all levels, respecting where you are in your practice. You will be challenged, for sure, but always in a way that encourages you to grow and keeps you coming back for more.
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